Explore French Elegance: Unlock Your Linguistic Prowess

Academic courses

Businessman Video Chatting With Businesswoman On Laptop
In person or online

In these private courses and depending on your level, you will learn the basic structures and vocabulary of the French language, discover more complex structures, examine French culture through newspapers and other print media.

I will help you to develop your understanding of grammar, vocabulary, idioms and pronunciation, and will allow you to practice the four skills of everyday communication: reading, writing, speaking and listening.


EMPLOYEURS : voici la formule idéale pour vos travailleurs étrangers temporaires:

des cours de francisation sur mesure afin d'améliorer la communication interne dans votre entreprise. Vos employés étrangers temporaires apprendront à maîtriser le français, favorisant ainsi la collaboration et la productivité.

De plus, notre programme de francisation augmente la productivité en améliorant les compétences linguistiques de vos employés, leur permettant ainsi de mieux comprendre les consignes et de s'intégrer à la culture québécoise.

Je personnaliserai les programmes pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques, qu'il s'agisse de cours en ligne, de formations intensives ou de sessions en milieu de travail.  Éliminez les barrières linguistiques, créez un environnement inclusif et investissez dans une équipe performante.

L'Académie Française


L'Académie is a secure online French course platform, accessible 24/7 from any device, and designed by a passionate expert teacher.

The platform caters to all types of learners:

- auditory learners (who learn by listening and re-listening to integrate concepts)

- visual learners (who need to read, see images, or use diagrams to retain information)

- kinesthetic learners (who need to manipulate objects to learn)

At l'Académie, the training programs are 100% online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and balance work and family.

You will find all the pedagogical resources needed to succeed in your training projects.

L'Académie est une plateforme sécurisée de cours de français en ligne, accessible 24/7, de n'importe quel appareil et conçue par une enseignante experte passionnée.

La plateforme s'adresse à tous les types d'apprenants:

- auditifs (qui apprennent en écoutant et en réécoutant pour intégrer les notions)

- visuels (qui ont besoin de lire, de voir des images ou des schémas pour retenir)

- kinesthésiques (qui ont besoin de manipuler des objets pour apprendre)

À l'Académie les formations sont 100% en ligne pour apprendre à votre rythme et vous permettre de concilier travail et famille.

Vous y trouverez toutes les ressources pédagogiques pour réussir vos projets de formation.

Exam preparation

hand of the teacher holds a sheet with a question mark on the background of the inscription in English "French?" and a beautiful flag of Canada on pleated fabric

You need to take the TEF or TEFAQ for your immigration application to Canada. I can prepare you for the oral and written exams.

To help you prepare for the oral expression component of your exam, I offer two options:

  1. Exam preparation: Together, we work on an exam topic, similar to a regular lesson.

  2. Exam simulation: I conduct a simulation with you, mimicking the actual exam day.


If you want to achieve or maintain your level B/C proficiency, or you want to expand your vocabulary and range of expressions, I can provide you with individual courses to work on the four main language functions: reading, writing, listening and speaking.


Smiling schoolgirl with flag and textbook against French flag standing against flag of France

Whether your child is a beginner French, a core French or -a French Immersion student and he/she needs help to increase his/her academic success rates, I offer private courses to improve his/her abilities.

Moreover if your child needs some help with his/her French homework, I can help him/her gain confidence and believe in his/her potential.

Dear parents (who homeschool), embark on an exciting language journey with my card games and guide your children to mastering French while having fun. Remember that learning through play is more than just entertainment. It's a proven method that accelerates their progress while stimulating their creativity and motivation.

Get ready to unleash their language skills while enjoying joyful moments at home. My card games are designed to make learning French both enjoyable and effective.

Let me help you make homeschooling an enriching and memorable experience for your children.